Thursday, September 22, 2011


Surrealist Painting - "Surramphia" - Premium Glisse Print to canvas wraparound stretched - 28" x 22"

This painting was first done in acrylic on canvas, and the artist liked it so much that now he is selling prints of it. The artist is Charles Vinson he goes by Chuck though. He is a video game art designer and he lives in the Metro Atlanta area. When he is not working he paints and does digital art and prints. He did this particular painting was done at a live painting event in just two hours. Hi sconcept for this painting was to show the slow change of evolution of the species over time and the brief journey of survival.  This artist stood out by something he actually had written out on his page, and it really inspired me and made me think, and it said "Art should be a journey of the mind and soul, not something that compliments your furniture." i think that is so true and it is something that is unique about art, and that many people do not appreciate and most all forget about.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

3D Glass Paintings
Artwork by Chinese painter Xia Xiao Wan. His technique consists of using special pencils, tinted glass, and 14 to 30 glass panes.
Source Xia Xiao Wan 3

The artist of these peices is Xia Xiao Wan. He was born in 1959. Wan has a bachelors degree in art from the Central Academy of Fine Arts. He is from Beijing China, and his work has been shown in many exhibits such as

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Amy Giacomelli

Original Abstract Painting Modern Contemporary Sunset birds trees.. red yellow black green blue ... 10 x 10 .. Brilliant Sky
Original Large Abstract Painting Modern Contemporary Flowers .. yellow green red blue black ...24 x 54 .. Prism Garden
Original Large Abstract Painting Modern Contemporary Landscape Trees .. white yellow green black ...24 x 36 .. Lush Forest
Original Large Abstract Painting Modern Contemporary Landscape Leaves Wind Trees .. white blue brown green black ...24 x 54 .. Blowing Away
Original Large Abstract Painting Modern Contemporary  .. yellow red brown blue white black ...54 x 24 ... Opposites Attract
Original Large Abstract Painting Modern Contemporary Tiger .. white copper brown ... 24 x 36 ... White Tiger
Original Large Abstract Painting Modern Contemporary Landscape Trees .. white blue black ...24 x 36 ... Into the Mist

Amy Giacomelli is a freelance artist born and raised in California. She now lives and sells her art from Colorado. She started out in 1988, when she joined the Entertainment Industry union as a mural artist. She has painted many murals and backdrops for studios such as Disney, CBS, and Warner Bros. Her work is seen at all eight of the Disney parks. Also her work is in many motion pictures as well.
These paintings are mostly acrylic on canvas. I actually contacted Amy on her website with questions about her murals and backdrops and I am still waiting for a response, but if she gets back to me I will make sure to update the post.
What I like about these paintings is the use of color and how she transitions almost through a rainbow in some of them. I also like how she seperates the painting into three different canvases, it creates a whole new look for the painting. I also lie the usage of the small circles and the patterns to make something simple look so extraordinary. Another thing I like about this artist is the variety that she does, even though the work I have seen is all painting there are so many different styles that she does, some are bright, some are dull, soem have nothing but shapes, and others have a big animal or a landscape.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Brilliant Sky

Original Abstract Painting Modern Contemporary Sunset birds trees.. red yellow black green blue ... 10 x 10 .. Brilliant Sky
acrylic on canvas finished off with clear gloss
amy giacomelli